I must admit, 20 years on-air seems impossible….My first show seems just like yesterday & I remember every detail with crystal clarity……20 years of memories…so many are touching…..some are hilarious….but the most vivid and meaningful are the conversations I’ve had with all of you.
I’ve learned so much….been so inspired by your stories and experiences….and can’t help but feel we’ve formed a family….a sisterhood!!
So, in reflection, it’s the phone calls that stand out in my memory and are the most precious moments to me…The woman who thanked me for giving “her” back to “herself”…..The blind caller who said I made her feel beautiful….the lady who hadn’t worn jeans for 20 years until she found DG2….
You’ve made me a better designer….helped me put my skills to good use and gave my talent a “purpose.” For all that, and so much more, I thank you!!!!
Remember, without all of you there wouldn’t be “me”….
So, from the bottom of my heart… thanks for the memories, and here’s to many, many more….